Monday, November 29, 2010


"England iz a bitch'.

That was how Homestretch, the novel I did for my lit course in high school starts. It was quite interesting, about life for Africans in the diaspora and etc. I'd never heard the word before that time, and after that I only heard it with athletics commentators. But anyway, that's not the 'homestretch' I'm talking about, though I still get this funny grin on my face when I hear the word :)

My last paper's tomorrow afternoon, then after that I'm free to flee to the high seas. Apart from the lethargic feeeling in my bones, as one is apt to get so close to the finish, there is somewhere in my recesses some peace whose origin I can only attribute to the Prince of Peace. But mostly, now that the 'finish line' is so close, I can finally turn my eyes back with a smile, and not the 'does it ever end!' kind of a look. Rather, it's the 'God has been so gracious to me' look. Because He has. It's the ooooonly reason I'm alive.

The one thought on my mind today: "Girl, it's really not that serious, it's just not." I've been to hard on myself this sem, and sometimes not hard enough. I pushed too hard, and came frightfully close to disintegration. But now, I'm thinking, ah, it's all easy. It is not that serious. I may not be where I wanted to be at the end of this year, but I'm not where I was. I may not like a couple of strange decisions I made, but they're not life and death really. And I won't always be this way. The mountains in my path right now, the things I'm seeing as frightful giants before me now, they won't always be there. the glory of the latter temple shall be greater than the former. It can only head up from here!! ;)))))))))))))))


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