Saturday, January 11, 2014

hail to the geeks

DISCLAIMER: It’s a hot Saturday afternoon, I’m sequestered, lain on the coolest place I could find - the floor, listening to rock music from 2004, enjoying my own company. Ergo, I’m not sure what I want to say. So I might say nothing at all.

I met a geek. For some reason I’ve always liked geeks. Geeks, not nerds, not sure there’s a difference, but oh well… so geeks, you know, text-book (preferably IT) geeks, socially awkward until they’re talking about stuff they actually know stuff about. Maybe it’s got something to do with my brothers, who knew stuff about stuff, and were very smart, or very talented. Growing up two were, actually still are, musical geniuses who can probably play any instrument. Everybody says it’s my dad, most of whose photos from back then have him wielding a guitar. The other was THAT BOY, you know, the one who the headmaster offered Kshs. 300 to anyone who would ever beat him. But no one did. For the three years he was in primary after we moved to Mumias, he was first. And me, well, then there was me. 

I guess I just loved looking at them being them, and wonder where I fit…. So I became a mass of contradictions… few things have changed since. Anyway, I sorely digressed. Refer back to before, I was saying geeks. I think I might marry one one day :) :) :) :) so we can be socially awkward together. Crowds freak me out, strange crowds. The only time I have a voice is on paper. So, I was writing about this data protection program last week, computer stuff, about which I know just enough to get by, and I discovered I was strangely fascinated. Somehow I think that in the course of my travels, I’ll have done so many things, before I finally settle into being me. Which suits my ends marvelously. 

But I guess I just have one of those minds. I’m ridiculously fascinated by knowledge, any knowledge. Okay, knowledge about how stuff works I guess. I figure I might tie myself because I’ve not read as wide. But every time someone is talking about how stuff works, I’m all ears. Doesn’t matter whether I understand or not. I don’t think anything’s more on-turning than a man in his element, doing the thing that he does best, or talking about it. It’s the reason I loved what I did in campus, even though I haven’t found much use for most of it yet. If nothing else, I get to continually poke holes in my mum’s internet-derived theories about what’s good for the body. That, and those times we'd be studying ridiculous pathways, and I'd see something totally cool, and go like, "Hey Creator of Man, I see what You did there, good one!" It’s almost reward enough :))))))

So anyway, I’ve been blog housekeeping, and combing the hindernet for a template that has my name written all over it (it seriously wouldn’t hurt if my name was written all over it), but then as a result I’ve got some of these things I have no use for. Like that ‘follow me on twitter’ up there that doesn’t work, and is of little use, because my twitter account has 3 tweets :))))))) and I don’t want anyone to find out I actually have one. Oh drat and double drat!! More so after visiting my brother’s and finding that he’s got 9694 tweets. Where do you even catch up from right? Hence how I started this conversation about geeks. There, now we’ve gone full circle. We can stop.


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