Thursday, March 20, 2014

stop blogging and start working

There's this verse in James 4, 'let your laughter be turned into mourning' it says in normal versions. However, there's this version though which just totally watered down that to 'stop laughing and start crying', which, for people who think in pictures like me is just hilarious, and from then on Dinah, Flo and I started calling those oversimplified versions the stop laughing and start crying versions. Like Good News or the Youth Bible. Hence my title. Sorry if you have one of those. There, we can go on...

I have decided that in order to succeed in building a consistent blogging practice slash culture I must approach this from a different and totally radical angle. In addition to asking myself the all-important WWJD question in my dealings with other human beings and/or inanimate objects of any and every kind belonging to any and everyone, I must also incorporate the slightly less important but equally necessary question: CIBAT - can I blog about this?

Since one can blog about anything, I anticipate that most of my dilemmas will be solved by the answer yes, and since I want to be consistent as much as and/or because I want to be like Jesus (who was also consistent), the end result I expect is slightly over one million potential blog posts in a given day. From which I can narrow down to say, five, six a month. 

Or, since also no man is an island, or mum's version “hakuna mtu alilala kwa Mungu akajua ya kesho”, another way to be consistent is to have other people be consistent on my behalf, aka guest writers. This last one though I anticipate a few problems with eventually, since no one wants to guest blog in a blog whose readership constitutes maybe 5 sane people, and a few idle people in the US with long unpronounceable email addresses. Also, because they’ll likely be crazy good, they’ll make me look bad. Sanasana this one more than that other first one.

I’m trying to find another word for ‘blog’ since I once read here that it made the list of the ten most eeky English words there are (apparently top on that list was moist, which I have always found to be quite eeky myself, and have since desisted from applying it to any conversations). Though I honestly don’t get how blog made the list ahead of some conspicuously gross words a la phlegm and orifice. They is even weird to look at. Then I get this lump in my throat because of the cold I’ve had since a few days ago. They were right on the other nine though, so lemme imagine it was the result of a well-researched survey, and not just some idle kid with an unpronounceable email address feeling angst-y and wanting to be heard by the world in manner of Simple Plan in their ‘hit’ complaint Welcome to my Life.

It’s now 3:18 am. There has in the distance been a drum being knocked (yes, knocked) consistently for the past since I woke up. It’s 3 am, so that’s not a service, okay maybe it’s a Praise and Worship kesha, I heard people in Nairobi and elsewhere also, have those. They take their Sunday singing quite seriously, as do I (their singing). Anyway, back to the drums, reminds me of my teacher Mr. Omuhaka’s neighbour and his 4am prayer sessions that were daily punctuated by these… (searching for nice word) passionate claps every two or so minutes. In the dead silence of the night. Brings new meaning to quiet time I imagine. Anyway, maybe the prayers (I sincerely hope that's what those are) accompanying those drumbeats at three in the a.m. keep us from absolute anarchy, so I should be grateful.

Supposed to be working, soooo not working. And now I’m back to sleepy. So there. Let the drum beats sing me a lullaby…


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